Networked Collaborations and Political Autonomy: Calafou presentation in TWbioart@Taipei

02Octubre Presentation of calafou in an open discussion in TWbioart space in Taipei, in the context of:

網絡性協作與政治自主 Networked Collaborations and Political Autonomy

Calafou is an eco-industrial post-capitalist colony located in Catalonia, Spain. Invited by TW BioArt, Klau  will share their experience and thoughts about living in such a community. If interested, please stay after the presentation and have a discussion with us on decentralized horizontal communities and alternative economic strategies of living. Klau speaks Spanish and English. There will also be a not-so-much-as-real-time Mandarin translator. Collaborative translation is also very welcomed.

Calafou位於西班牙的加泰隆尼亞自治區,是一個永續生產、後資本主義的社群(an eco-industrial post-capitalist colony)。TW BioArt此次邀請Calafou居民Klau 分享居住其中的經驗與想法。分享後也請大家如果有興趣,留下來一起進一步討論去中心化水平社群及非資本主義替代經濟的生存策略。Klau會講西班牙語和英語,現場並備有不太即時的國語口譯,也歡迎大家一起幫忙翻譯。
