
cabaret, espectáculos y más!

El poder controla todas las expresiones emocionales porque en ellas está la clave para dominar, y el lenguaje artístico es importante porque tiene la capacidad que no tienen otros lenguajes, la capacidad de trastornar y transformar, de originar cambios internos, mentales, de modificar la perspectiva de las personas. diana j torres

Opening days 2019

  •  Openning days: 31 July to 3 August
  • 8th Calafou Birthday: 3 August (party!)

THIS SUMMER WE UNDRESS. As every summer Calafou opens the doors of its house, we invite friends, curious people and everyone who wants to meet and share in our ecosystems of life, our dreams and projects that we build and weave in this space. We have a very good memory of all the people who have attended past openning days in Calafou and where we have cultivated many  friends who have helped us to make Calafou a reality. Thank you all!

7th Calafou birthday!

Saturday, August 4, starting at 6:00 p.m.

7 Years in Calafou

Seven as the sum of heaven, earth, bodies, souls, emotions, mysteries and entropy.
7 colors in the rainbow,
7 notes on the diatonic scale,
7 days creating and resting,
7 years sowing life.

For this new stage, its challenges and energies, we aim to travel together through time and space.

dissabte, agost 4, 2018 - 18:00 a diumenge, agost 5, 2018 - 10:00


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