We share here the wonderful work of the compas of la_bekka who has done this fnazine to explain step by step how to assemble a feminist servant with a homemade connection. We are happy to appear in the acknowledgements of this fanzine, Calafou <3 feminist infrastructure and <3 to the compas of la_bekka!
Hello everybody!
After a lot of hard work, we are very happy to present our newest fanzine: "How to set up a feminist server with a home connection". The document is set in five parts: Part 1 - A Feminist Infrastructure Part 2 - Hello machine! Part 3 - From Machine to Server Part 4 - Securing Our Server Part 5 - Our static website with Jekyll The fanzine can be read online and there is also a laid out version to print that can be downloaded from https://labekka.red/servidoras-feministas
We also produced a small audioclip you can listen to at: https://labekka.red/novedades/2019/11/05/lanzamiento-fanzine.html We hope you enjoy it. By the moment there is only a Spanish version. We will soon upload the source text to a platform to enable editing, translations, updates, etc. If you have any comments, doubts or questions, please write us to hacklabfeminista@riseup.net.