Thu, 02/04/2015 - 11:00 to Sun, 05/04/2015 - 20:00
HackTheEarth is coming! Not registered yet? What to expect: We have more than 15 workshops, lectures and activities confirmed. We will share knowledge and grow a network around Water and Earth topics. Do not hesitate and join us before March 31!
At Saturday night we will have the opportunity to enjoy with the concert of Kolectivo Newen, NOISH and R1tu4l Cuprum with Beka & pin that will fade in a collective jam of Noisex in wich everybody is invited to experiment/perform with open hardware and software .
Check schedule here: https://calafou.org/sites/calafou.org/files/horarios-hackthearth-2015.htm Fill the attendance form: https://calafou.org/ca/content/inscripci%C3%B3-hack-earth-15-participants See workshop & talk descriptions: https://calafou.org/es/content/detalle-talleres-HTE2015 Check how the motors are constantly moving : https://vimeo.com/channels/892429 We have confirmed these new workshops: - State of Anoia river - Automation and water management: solenoid and irrigation with Arduino - Woodshed construction - Water and land in the first philosophers We also remember those workshops already confirmed: *Water axis* 1. Solar water heater 2. Vegetable oil combustion water heater 3. Grease trap 4. Guerrilla Phytodepuration 5. Filtration of rainwater for drinking 6. Open Droplet: Ultrasound Sensor to measure domestic consumption water, Open Source and Open Hardware 7. Water Analysis Mobile Platform. *Earth axis* 1. Dry toilet construction 2. Vermicompostera construction 3. Use and maintenance of small agricultural machinery 4. Permaculture design in community: social city garden 5. Knowledge of the environment And we hope to confirm 10 more workshops in the coming days! Stay tuned! You can find more information about the workshops on the website. We remind you of the prices and payment methods: 1. Early registration until March 29 and beyond: - Full Pack: 75€, 4 days - includes lodging, food, workshops and a T-shirt. - Price per day: 20€ - includes accommodation, food and workshops. Your early registration will be confirmed once you have made the payment by bank transfer to the account: Triodos Bank 1491 0001 23 2027034822 You must identify it with full name and note "Hack The Earth 2015".
Or via Paypal
2. Registration from March 29: - Full Pack 80€, 4 days - includes accommodation, food and workshops. - Price per day: 25€ - includes accommodation, food and workshops. In this case, payment is made in cash on the first day of attending the event. In both cases, we accept 20% in social currency. * If a workshop needs special equipment we will let you know. * For questions or workshops proposals write to: activitats (a) calafou.org