2nd Ecomotors Event: Workshop program

Fri, 23/08/2013 - 11:00 to Sun, 25/08/2013 - 20:00

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August 23-24-25 in Calafou

After making an initial approach to the needs and desires of the CTiT Network (Technic and Tecnologic Science) it has been thought a specific
event as a meeting place to develop the prototypes that in a certain way they were already on a germination process. The proposal is as follows:
cover during the event the tecnological projects that emerged as productives projects proposals during the last CTiT Network assembly;from Calafouand with the collaboration of all the participants, we want to generate a collective development and experimentation space allowing a
timetable distribution according to the complexity and needs of each project.

This timetable distribution of the work sessions will be based on teorical speeches, exposing the tecnologies that will be used afterwards in a
practical form on the development and assembly of the constituent parts of each prototype. The prototypes to develop/show are:

1. led lighting. 
2. Stirling workshop and implementation of Fluidyne. (Thermal water pump
3. Stirling workshop 8 cylinder motor. Thermal Stirling motor. 
4. Fluidyne toy workshop. 
5. Basic workshop techniques training. 
6. Free energies 
7. Free energies, point zero 
8. Biodiesel
        a. "Posa-hi Oli" Network ("Put some vegetable oil") 
        b. Biodiesel elaboration. Infrastructure adaptation 
        c. Adaptation and sample of vegetable oil motors 
9. Techniques and tricks of electricity and fotovoltaic systems. 


Friday 23rd
11.00H Led Lighting
12.00h Basic workshop techniques
13.00h Basic workshop techniques
17.00H "Posa-hi OLi" Network Presentation
18.00h Oil vegetable motors adaptation, oil vegetable samples
19.00h Biodiesel elaboration workshop and infrastructure adaptation
20.00h Technical meetings proposal: we share information of the workshops
done during the day and the ones coming next day. (changes,
modifications..), tecnical information of groups (kitchen, infopoint, bar,
trainers..), participants valoration...
21.00h DINNER

Saturday 24th
10.00h Stirling workshop and fluidyne implementation (presentation)
11.00h Fluidyne workshop
12.00h Stirling 8 cylinder workshop
12.00h Stirling 8 cylinder workshop
17.00H Techniques and tricks through auto-repairing
        Free energies
18.00h Biodiesel continuation
19.00h Techniques and tricks through auto-repairing
20.00h Technical meeting proposal:  we share information of the workshops
done during the day and the ones coming next day. (changes,
modifications..), tecnical information of groups (kitchen, infopoint, bar,
trainers..), participants valoration...
21.00h DINNER

Sunday 25th 10.00h Fluidyne toy building 11.00h Techniques and tricks of electricity and precarious fotovoltaic systems 12.00h Biodiesel continuation 13.00h Free Energies 14.00h REST AND LUNCH 17.00h FINAL VALORATION 21.00h DINNER