Arranca la inserrucción transHACKfeminista! – the transHACKfeminist insurrection has come!

De Lun, 04/08/2014 - 05:00 hasta Lun, 11/08/2014 - 00:00

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programa >>



laboratorio de diagnosis lowcost

Critical Debate: Cyborg romanticism and futurist fetisch-ization

Del-EM: sistema de extracción menstrual

Tacticas feministas en la red / Feminists tactics in the net

Seguridad digital

The transformative potentials of oThe transformative potentials of online space – queer strategies through networked performance art

Taller del teatro de la emancipación

Cómo jugar en tu ordendor y no cargarte el sistema

Fanzinoteca EXperimental

Glándulas de Anarcha, Lucy & Betsey

Documental > RUINS Chronicle of HIV witch-hunt

Video: Cracks in civilized landscapes

Frau Diamanda: online performance from Lima/Peru

R_R/R > Radio Ramona and Ruelles

private key signing ceremony

FollÓn NoiseXXXY

UpStage: open source platform for cyberformance

OpenStreetMap Mapping Party


Debate: what is feminism?

The transformative potentials of online space

The Fellatio Modification Project // Proyecto de Modificación de felaciones

Satellite fishing // Pescando Satélites

Death Cafe // Cafeta de la Muerte

Primeros Auxilios en Caso de Aborto y Derrame

Armas de Destucción de Misa (diseño en hotglue y gimp)

Animals having sexuality issues

TransHackFeminist Manifesto!

What is genitalism? And the usage of language in emancipative contexts regarding sexes

Hacking gender constructions


servidorx servidx // server served

Hack the baby

Taller: Recreación feminista, hackeando de videos de internet